The Annual Enrollment Period is the timeframe during the year that your Part D drug plan or Part C advantage plan’s benefits may change and the only time that you can change your plan. This period goes from October 15th to December 7th. No changes may be made to Part D drug plans after December 7th.
Your current insurance company is required to send you (via mail) the Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) by September 30th. The ANOC informs you of any changes to the premium, deductible, copay tiers, and what the preferred pharmacies will be for the following year. It is important that you review this information. If you are still satisfied with what the benefits will be, then there is nothing you need to do in order for your policy to keep going. You do not need to re-enroll or sign anything; it will automatically renew and your payment method will stay the same.
Changes for us at Imagine
Medicare has revamped the Plan Finder Tool, which is the program within the Medicare site that is used to view and compare plans and costs specific to your prescriptions. The look and feel is totally new, but it still does the same functions as before. The big change for us is that we can no longer save and recall an anonymous list of your prescriptions, which is how we were able to quickly and efficiently review your options during this time. This means that in order for us to review costs specific to you, we need to access your personal account to work with your saved list of prescriptions. All current clients of ours recently received our annual AEP letter which provides a little more detail on this process change and how to work with us.
Since these changes were only recently announced, we were provided limited time to create a solution that will enable us to fairly continue supporting changes to your needs. As the weeks roll on and we experience this new process we have put in place, we will see how viable and smoothly is it going. If we are not able to work around the changes that the industry has put in place, or if you would like to know how to review your own plan options using the Plan Finder Tool, we have written a fairly conprehensive guide to understanding the Tool. After all the years of hard work and support we have provided, we must respectfully inform you that we cannot guarantee a review of your plan but will certainly continue to do our best like we always have.