(502) 742-4979 | info@ImagineInsAdv.com

2022 Medicare Basics seminar video

Hello! If you ever have questions about television ads or phone calls saying you are entitled to more benefits, this is the webinar for you. Lots of people wonder what the differences between a Medicare Supplement and Part C Medicare Advantage Plans are and we’re here to make it nice and clear for you.

This video is also a great resource for relearning the basics of Medicare and the main things to think about when you are selecting the type of coverage you feel most comfortable with.

2022/2023 Plan Finder Tool Guide Video

Hey, everyone! We’re back again this year with an updated recording of our Medicare.gov Plan Finder Tool Guide seminar! All you have to do is press Play on the video below to begin your journey into Medicare.gov’s Plan Finder Tool as it works in 2022/23.

The Plan Finder Tool is the most reliable way to simultaneously compare your drug costs across all the available Part D drug plans and Part C Advantage plans. In this video, we will start from the beginning with how to input your medicines correctly, then move into understanding how to read the Plan Details which shows what the costs for your medicines will be.  By knowing how to use the Plan Finder Tool, you can determine if your drug plan will still be the most cost-effective for you for the coming year and help you to decide if you might benefit from a change.

This is how we review your drug coverage and are certainly still here and available to review your plan for you like we’ve always done. To request a review from us, or if you’d like us to double-check any plan changes you’d like to make, download our review forms from www.imagineinsadv.com/resources.    If you’d like to change your plan, we would love to be able to continue supporting your policies. We can only support your policy if you allow us to help you complete the enrollment. We can send you an electronic application or paper signature pages to sign to complete that change. Just reach out to Madeline or Allison to let us know which plan you want to enroll in.

Thank you for spending your time with us! Hopefully you’ve learned something new or have refreshed your education. We are here for you as things change with Medicare and look forward to continuing our relationship with you as a trusted resource for Medicare coverage options.

Have a great day.

2021 Medicare Basics seminar video

Hello, clients and friends! This video will answer most of the questions you have about the different options you have to completing your Medicare coverage. If you have questions about ads you see on television or phone calls you receive saying you can “get a plan for $0” or “are entitled to benefits you are not receiving,” then this is a must-watch for you.   If you wonder why your drug costs may fluctuate throughout the year, this video will explain the reasons.

To make the video big, just click the box in the lower right hand corner of the video.

Have a lovely day!

2021 Medicare.gov Plan Finder Tool video

Here is our recorded webinar for how to use the Medicare.gov Plan Finder Tool to compare Part D drug plans (and the drug coverage in Part C Medicare Advantage Plans) and to investigate your plan’s drug costs. No need to be taken to Youtube, just press play and learn something new today. (To make the video full screen, just click the box in the bottom-right corner in the video.)
Have a lovely day, everybody!

Changing your Medicare Supplement – video

We had some online seminars in May about how if you feel your Medicare Supplement premium is getting too high, what are your options? In case you couldn’t attend one of our live sessions or would like to watch it at your leisure, the link to our Youtube video is below.

To change your Medicare Supplement, even if you stay with your same insurance carrier, you have to go through underwriting (health questions and a three-year lookback at your medical records.)  If you are willing to reduce your benefits to lower your premium, you have that option as long as you can pass underwriting.

Click this link to learn about the underwriting questions and if you could pass to change your plan, and what the coverage differences are between your plan options.
